We frequently communicate with a client’s board of directors to keep them fully informed on association matters, provide guidance to association leadership, to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, and to help solve problems, meet challenges, and create opportunities.
We offer recommendations to clients for enhancing events and services, improving efficiency, generating new revenue, growing membership, ensuring compliance with laws, policies, and regulations, and developing new programs or activities. M&A staff regularly assist clients by designing and leading strategic planning sessions which lead to the development of goals, objectives, strategies and business plans. Those outcomes provide roadmaps for client activity and guidelines for the allocation of financial resources. Throughout the year, we work with boards and committees to monitor progress in successfully implementing and completing strategies that support the association’s goals.
M&A staff provide extensive training for incoming officers and directors in an effort to make the officer transition seamless. We have developed and maintain position descriptions for board members, committee chairs, and other volunteer leaders along with detailed checklists, calendars, and project reminders that help our clients’ members use their volunteer time more effectively.